Power Generation and Renewable Energy
Australian Fluid Handling has many years of experience in the Power sector, supplying products and services to support both traditional and renewable power generation.
At AFH, we provide compressors, pumps and customised pump skid systems as well as specialist engineered coatings to aid in the production and efficient running of Australian power plants – including partnering our customers in exciting developments in new and green energy.
(AFH custom-built metering systems for a power generation facility in WA)
AFH Suitable Products:
Torishima is world-renowned for their high quality Japenese made specialist centrifugal pumps and a market leader in Power Generation, specifically their exceptional boiler feed and condensate pumps.
The Sunflo pumps are some of the most versatile pumps for high pressure industrial water applications. Sunflo pumps are specifically designed for high-pressure applications such as boiler feed NOx suppression, or high pressure wash-down/central cleaning applications very commonly encountered in the power generation industry.
AFH’s range of specialist materials and chemical process pumps have a wide range of specialist material pumps, including niche pumps specifically designed for use in concentrated solar power – designed and built with components that can withstand the high heat and corrosive aspects of molten salts transfer. They also have a range of pumps for flue gas cleaning in waste incineration plants.
AFH’s range of metering pumps have numerous applications within the power sector. A perfect cooling water circuit is the key to the effective operation of modern cooling towers and the plant’s water cooling process. AFH’s pumps and systems help with two of the most critical stages in the operation of a cooling tower, namely metering inhibitors and biocides into the plant’s cooling water and using specialist filters to help protect the cooling tower facility from deposits and biological growth as well as corrosion. AFH are able to integrate the pumps into complete engineered skid pump systems and customised skid packages that allow minimal site installation time. Pumps are offered in API and non-API variants.
Hermetic pumps have been supplied globally for the handling of high temperature and hazardous substances. These pumps have been engineered with components that can withstand the high heat and corrosive aspects of molten salts transfer, and have been used internationally in concentrated solar power applications.
AFH’s range of compressors includes reciprocating compressors renowned for use in process gas compression, in particular leaders in Hydrogen (H2) compression for green hydrogen power generation. Our hydrogen compressors are precision engineered in Germany and the USA, delivering unrivaled quality to an emerging green hydrogen market.
AFH has engineered many skid packages to the power industry for various applications including water cooling, treatment and blending. Recently AFH has delivered packages into new energy projects, including waste to energy and blue hydrogen. The package generally includes a mixture of tanks, piping, high or low-pressure pumps or compressors, instrumentation, motors, valves and other operational hardware. Purpose engineered and built to the highest standards and to suit the specific application for the specific project.
Renroc Engineered Surface Products
AFH’s range of specialist engineered surface coatings and products have a wide range of applications in the Power industry, from health and safety (heat insulation) to corrosion protection, repair and refurbishment of high-value equipment. Please visit our Renroc ESP division section for more information.
AFH’s dedicated service division has some of the industry’s best personnel, with highly experienced staff from Australia around the world. Our world-class facilities both on the East and West coasts of Australia are fitted with the resources to handle large and complex pump and compressor repairs, services, rebuild and re-rates – as well as the ability to add protective coatings and improvements to enhance your equipment’s performance and longevity. Contact our service team with any service or repair requirements and we will be glad to help. With experience in just about every industry and application, we look forward to delivering exceptional service.
The Australian Fluid Handling Difference
Australian Fluid Handling prides itself on delivering a point of difference within the industry. We provide solutions for you.
To learn more about any of AFH’s products, services or brands, or to enquire about how AFH could improve your business, contact us today. Call a local office today or contact us.